Surpassing Labels Podcast

Surpassing labels podcast features real families touched by special needs.

Highlighting the trials and hardships they face, and how they navigate their circumstances.

It also offers stories of hope and inspiration and introduces thoughts of the impact that special needs individuals can have in our society.

All while providing tips, strategies, and insights that any parent can benefit from in their day-to-day lives.

Season 1 Episode 1

It's Not Your Fault, You Are Not Alone!

13 minutes

In this heartfelt episode of Surpassing Labels, we dive deep into a conversation that every special needs parent needs to hear. We dive into the emotions that often accompany the journey of special needs parenting guilt and isolation.

It's easy to internalize struggles and feel isolated, but here's a gentle reminder: It's not your fault, and you are not alone.

Tune in, and subscribe, and let's reinforce the understanding that, in this community, you are never alone, and it's certainly not your fault. Your journey is unique, and you're doing an incredible job!


If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating feelings of isolation or guilt please contact me! 

You can connect with me by sending a message through the contact me button at the top of the page, or on Instagram @felicia.sheline


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by

Hudson Sheline  

Listen Now

Season 1 Episode 2

The Unspoken: Part 1


19 minutes

In this episode, we delve into the profound and complex emotions surrounding grief, within the context of being a special needs parent.

Grief is a universal experience, yet it takes on unique forms for each individual.

My discussion will touch upon the challenges, the stages, and the emotions that grief can bring.

 Join me as I share personal insights, and practical strategies for coping with grief while offering support and understanding to those who might be on a similar journey.


Tune in, subscribe, and let's reinforce the understanding that, in this community, you are never alone. 


If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating your circumstances contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at

*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline  

Season 1 Episode 3

The Unspoken: Part 2


19 minutes

In this compelling podcast episode, we confront the often-unspoken emotion of guilt.

We explore some common ideas that provoke feelings of guilt and the profound impact it can have on parents.

From questioning decisions to balancing responsibilities, guilt can manifest in various ways.

Through this candid conversation I aim to unravel the layers of guilt, providing a safe space for parents to acknowledge, process, and navigate these emotions. 

Join me for a compassionate exploration of guilt, offering strategies for self-compassion and empowerment on the journey of parenting children with special needs.

 If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating your circumstances contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

email at

*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline  

Season 1 Episode 4

Soundless Bonds: A mother's Perspective on Raising Deaf Kids

59 minutes

In this episode, we embark on an enlightening conversation with Alaine Jacobs, is a mom of 3 kids, a wife, and an entrepreneur.

Two of her three kids were born Deaf and wear cochlear implants.

Join us as she candidly shares the challenges of discovering and embracing deafness in her family.

From fostering unique forms of communication to breaking down stereotypes, Alaine sheds light on the beauty and strength found in soundless bonds.

Subscribe, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.

If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline  

Season 1 Episode 5

Hope Unveiled: A Mother's Journey with Jordan's Syndrome

36 minutes

In this compelling podcast episode, we sit down for an insightful and heartwarming interview with a remarkable mom who is navigating the journey of raising a daughter with Jordan's Syndrome.

 Join us as Michelle Fruhschien shares her experiences, challenges, and triumphs in parenting a child with unique needs. All while navigating her family life, teaching, and advocating for her daughter at MamaBearforRare on Instagram.

This episode is a testament to the strength of mothers, the power of community support, and the importance of spreading awareness about lesser-known conditions like Jordan's Syndrome.

Tune in for a touching conversation.


Subscribe, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.

If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline


Season 1 Episode 6

Embracing Self Compassion

15 minutes

In today's episode, we're delving into a topic that's often overlooked but profoundly transformative: self-compassion.

In our fast-paced world, filled with pressures and expectations, we often forget to extend the same kindness to ourselves that we readily offer to others.

But self-compassion isn't just about self-care; it's a radical act of acceptance and understanding towards our true selves, flaws and all.

Join us as we explore the power of self-compassion, how it can transform our relationships, boost our resilience, and ultimately lead to greater fulfillment in our lives.

Get ready to learn practical tips and insights on cultivating self-compassion and embracing a kinder, gentler approach to self-talk.


Subscribe, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.

If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 7

Remember To Take Care Of You! The Importance of Self-Care

22 minutes

In this episode I explore the crucial topic of self-care, tailored specifically for special needs parents.

Join me as we explore practical strategies and personalized self-care ideas that resonate with you. 

I'll discuss the importance of carving out time for yourself amidst the demands of caregiving, emphasizing that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity.

Throughout the episode, I'll share insights and tips to help you prioritize your well-being

This episode is designed to empower you on your self-care journey.

Tune in and discover how investing in yourself can positively impact both your life and the lives of those you care for.

Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.

If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 8

Voices of Therapy: A Speech Language Pathologist's Insights

31 minutes

In this episode I had the privilege of conversing with a highly knowledgeable Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) Jacqueline Kearns.

Jackie Kearns is a Senior Speech Language Pathologist at Cleveland Clinic Children's Therapy Services.


She has been practicing for over 15 years in both the outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation settings. She specializes in early intervention and use of augmentative and alternative communication for children with complex communication needs.


During her time there, she established a multi-disciplinary augmentative and alternative communication clinic that has expanded to two locations. She is the author of a chapter in the book entitled "Augmentative and Alternative Communication: An Interactive Casebook".


She has given numerous presentations, including most recently "Yikes" What Do I Do With This Kid: Early Intervention for the Child with Complex Communication Needs" at Nationwide Children's Hospital 3rd Annual IMPAACT Summit.


Currently, she is working to improve the standard of care within Therapy Services for early intervention, different forms of service delivery, and augmentative and alternative communication practices.


During our discussion, we explored the essential role that speech therapy plays in the lives of children with special needs.

Jackie shared valuable insights into various communication challenges faced by children emphasizing the importance of early intervention and tailored therapeutic approaches.

This enlightening conversation serves as a valuable resource for special needs parents seeking guidance on enhancing their child's communication skills.



If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 9

Shaping Perspectives: Part 1: With Vevay Rollings

30 minutes

In this 2 part interview, I had the privilege of talking to one of my oldest and dearest friends Vevay Rollings!

She is remarkable woman who shares her insights into her unique experiences, challenges, and offers a glimpse of a new perspective of living with special needs as an adult and mother.

Her interview highlights not only the importance of understanding and addressing the specific needs of individuals with diverse abilities but also emphasized the significance of fostering independance and support.

Her story is remarkable, and her ability to maintain her positive outlook and strong family values shows her strength and resilience.

Join us as we talk to Vevay!

And, Tune in Next Week for Part 2 Where We Talk To Her Adult Daughter To See Her Perspective Growing Up With A Mom Who Has Medical Challenges


If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 10

Shaping Perspectives: Part 1: With Vevay Rollings

40 minutes

Today, in part 2 of The Shaping Perspectives Episode, I had the privilege of welcoming Ciana Rollings, an inspiring individual who brings a unique perspective to our discussion. 

Growing up as the child of a special needs parent, Ciana navigated a journey filled with compassion, resilience, and profound insights.

Now, as an adult, she graciously shares her story, offering invaluable wisdom to others walking similar paths.

Ciana's story is a testament to the strength of familial bonds, the power of empathy, and the transformative impact of love in the face of adversity.

I'm honored to share a glimpse into her world today.


If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 11

What Is a Special Needs Coach Anyway?

11 minutes

In this episode, we'll talk about what it truly means to be a special needs coach.

I've often been asked, "What is a Special Needs Coach?" "What exactly do you do?"

Today, I aim to clarify this crucial role and share with you the profound impact a coach can have on the lives of families navigating the complex landscape of special needs parenting.

From providing tailored guidance and support to empowering parents, a special needs coach is a beacon of strength in the face of challenges.

Join me as I talk about some of the aspects of this role, that can make a transformative difference in the lives of both parents and their exceptional children.


If you'd like to share your story, or need some help navigating the challenges of your day-to-days please contact me! 

You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 12

Unlocking Potential: Special Education Edition: With Deanne Lutz

50 minutes

In this podcast interview, I had the privilege of sitting down with a dedicated special education teacher Deanne Lutz.

She shared invaluable insights into the challenges and triumphs of working with students with diverse needs.

I found our conversation particularly enlightening and relevant to the experiences of the parents I serve.

Her passion for creating inclusive and supportive learning environments truly resonated, offering practical advice for both educators and parents navigating the intricate landscape of special education.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the unique dynamics within special education.


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 13

Episode 13: Exceptional Minds: A Mother's Journey with Giftedness, Dyslexia, and ADHD With Sharon Charmley

65 minutes

Join me for a heartwarming and insightful episode as we delve into the journey of Sharon Charmley, a mom raising two exceptional boys, gifted yet navigating the challenges of dyslexia and ADHD. 

Through candid conversations, we explore the highs and lows of parenting, and the moments of growth that come with raising children who defy societal norms. 

From celebrating their victories to overcoming obstacles, this episode offers a glimpse into the joys and complexities of parenting gifted children with learning differences.

Tune in as we uncover invaluable lessons learned along the way, offering hope and inspiration to families on similar paths.


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 14

Episode 14: POTS, PNES, and Persistence: Navigating Life's Challenges with Elise Renee

39 minutes

In this episode we explore the world of chronic illness and neurological conditions with our special guest Elise Renee, who bravely shares their journey living with both Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES).

Through her candid insights and personal experiences, Elise sheds light on the challenges of navigating life with these not well known and misunderstood conditions.

Join us as we explore the complexities of managing symptoms, the impact on daily life, and the importance of advocacy and support within the POTS and PNES communities.

Whether you're personally affected by these conditions or simply seeking to deepen your understanding, this conversation promises to be both enlightening and inspiring.


Check out Elise's amazing and advoacting content on TikTok @sit.stay.renee or Instagram @sit.stay.renee


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 15

Episode 15: Quincy's Light: A Mother's Story of Leigh Syndrome

49 minutes

In this deeply moving episode, we sit down with Libby Perna, a remarkable woman whose journey as a mother to her daughter Quincy with Leigh Syndrome is nothing short of inspiring.

Leigh Syndrome, is a rare and progressive neurological disorder, it presents daunting challenges for both the child and their family.

Yet, amidst the struggles, Libby and her husband have found unwavering strength and resilience.

Throughout our conversation, Libby shares candidly about her family's experiences, from the initial diagnosis to navigating the complexities of medical care and daily life. 

She delves into the rollercoaster of emotions, from heartbreak and fear to hope and joy, offering invaluable insights into the realities of parenting a child with special needs.

But perhaps most remarkable is Libby's unwavering determination to empower her daughter and create a life filled with love, laughter, and purpose.

Through her unwavering advocacy and boundless love, she has become a fierce advocate for awareness and support for those affected by Leigh Syndrome.

Join us as we delve into Libby's remarkable journey, filled with courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between a family. 

This is a story of love, hope, and the extraordinary strength found within the human spirit.


If you'd like to learn more about Quincy or to follow the Perna Family journey please connect with the on TikTok@thepernafamily

or on Instagram@thepernafamily


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 16

Episode 16: Beyond The Genes: Nurturing Hope

55 minutes

In this episode, we sit down with Melanie Cebular, a remarkable mother of six whose journey is as diverse as it is inspiring.

With a daughter who has a variance of the DHX16 gene, alongside two sons on the autism spectrum and two with ADHD, Melanie shares her experiences navigating the complexities of neurodiversity within her family.

From the initial challenges of understanding and accepting each diagnosis to the ongoing journey of advocating for her children's unique needs.

Melanie offers profound insights into the raising of children with diverse neurological profiles. 

Join us as we delve into Melaine's story of resilience, love, and hope for all her children .


If you'd like to connect with Melanie and follow her family's journey you can find her on Instagram: @melaine.cebular

She also has her own photography business: Photos By Melrose

That you can check out on Instagram: @photosbymelrose


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 17

Episode 17: Mindful Emotions: Cultivating Awareness and Compassion

19 minutes

In this episode, I'll dive deep into the realms of emotional intelligence and regulation, exploring the pivotal role they play in our daily lives.

We'll uncover the essence of emotional intelligence, shedding light on how it empowers us to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions effectively.

Moreover, we'll unravel the intricacies of emotional regulation, a skill vital for maintaining inner harmony amidst life's ebbs and flows.

Join me as we uncover practical strategies and insights that will help cultivate emotional mastery and harness its transformative power in our lives.


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 18

Episode 18: What Definition Of Life Are You Living?

21 minutes

In today's episode, I ask a fundamental question that has the power to reshape your entire perspective.

Are you defined by your life, or living a life that you've defined?

It's a thought-provoking question that forces us to examine the narrative we've constructed around our own existence.

For many, expectations, pressures, and norms can dictate the trajectory of our lives, leaving us feeling boxed in by predefined roles and labels.

But what if we dared to break free from these constraints and took the reins of our own lives?

Join me as I explore this question and highlight the potential for possibilities.

It's time to challenge the status quo, embrace our true potential, and dare to live a life that we've defined on our own terms.


If you'd like to share your story, or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices, and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 19

Episode 19: Navigating The IEP Maze

60 minutes

In today's episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with Destiny Huff, MS, LPC, CPCS.

She is a mental health therapist, certified trauma therapist for children, and an exceptional neuroaffirming IEP Coach and Advocate.

Destiny is dedicated to empowering parents navigating the complexities of special education.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, Destiny brings invaluable insights and strategies to our conversation.

From decoding jargon to fostering effective communication with school teams, Destiny is on a mission to equip parents with the knowledge and confidence they need to advocate fiercely for their children's educational needs.

Join us as we delve into Destiny's journey, uncovering pearls of wisdom and actionable tips for every parent striving to ensure their child receives the support they deserve.


If you'd like to connect with Destiny Huff here are her links:






If you'd like to share your story or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 20

Episode 20: What Do You Really Want? The Power of Possibility

15 minutes

In this episode, we talk about the question what you truly want from life and how harnessing the power of possibility can help you to achieve it.

Life often presents us with a myriad of choices and paths, yet amidst the noise and chaos, discovering what we really want can feel like walking through a foggy landscape.

By daring to dream, and embracing the power of possibility we open ourselves up to a world of endless opportunities.

Get ready to ignite your passion, awaken your purpose, and unleash the extraordinary possibilities that lie within.



If you'd like to share your story or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 21

Episode 21: Empowering The Rare: A CEO's Mission and Journey with FoxG1 Syndrome

64 minutes

In this special episode of our podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with Megan Nolan, the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Rare Parenting Magazine.

Beyond her professional role, Megan is a devoted parent navigating the complex landscape of raising a child with FoxG1 syndrome.

Throughout our conversation, she graciously shares her insights, experiences, and the profound lessons she's learned along the way.

From the founding of Rare Parenting Magazine and her Foundation to her personal journey advocating for families affected by rare conditions.

Megan provides a candid and heartfelt glimpse into her life and how she has integrated her passion into a purpose-driven mission and business.

Join me as we uncover the resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination that define Megan's inspiring journey.


To find out more about Rare Parenting Magazine Click Here

To connect with Rare Parenting on:

Instagram Click Here

Facebook Click Here

LinkedIn Click Here

Twitter Click Here





If you'd like to share your story or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline

Season 1 Episode 22

Episode 22: Episode 22: Avery Joy: The Joy Of Her Story: With Abbey Benjamin

47 minutes

In this compelling episode, we sit down with Abbey Benjamin, an inspiring mom to Tommy and Avery Joy.


She is a wife to Chris, a nurse, dance teacher, and self-published children's book author. 


Her daughter, Avery Joy, has been diagnosed with adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency (ADSLD), a rare genetic disorder that impacts metabolic function and development.


Abbey shares the emotional journey of receiving such a rare diagnosis and the daily realities of managing Avery's unique needs.


She discusses the importance of finding joy, advocacy, and the role of community support.


Join us as we explore the life of Avery Joy, and the joy of her story!


Through their extraordinary journey we gain valuable insights into living with and supporting a child with ADSL deficiency.


To follow Abbeys Journey onnect with her on Instagram @abbeybenj


To check out her Children's Books

In My Sissy's Wheelchair: Click Here

Dance From the Heart: Click Here

When You See a Child Who's Different: Click Here



If you'd like to share your story or feel stuck or defined by your circumstances please reach out!

I'm here to share our voices and help guide and support any parents struggling in their journey.


You can connect with me on Instagram @felicia.sheline, find me at

or email at


*Subscribe today, and let's reinforce that every story deserves to be heard and we are here to     embrace the extraordinary within the ordinary.


*Intro and Outro Music Composed and Produced by Hudson Sheline